Welcome to the junior skills where you can improve your golf skills and also enjoy.

WELCOME to Junior Skills

Junior Skills is about giving children a great opportunity to learn different sports whilst at the same time having huge amounts of fun. As the children progress through each of the sports, they can take a test to see if they pass that level and earn themselves a Junior Skills certificate, it is that easy. To help them along the way will be Skillsey, especially in the having fun department as this is the most important part of Junior Skills. We are not looking to have the worlds best here, just a vast array of talent who all have bundles of enthusiasm and want to have fun.
Below you will find details on all the sports and how the skills are set for each one, and to find out where your local Junior Skills centre is, simply click the Centres tab at the top.
Children can come along to any centre and take part in the weekly sessions, but to take the tests and start achieving certificates they will have to join at a cost of £20 for the year. They will receive a small membership pack which will include – Membership number and card, 2 Junior Skills hand books, and a golf score card. This will enable both your children and yourselves to see what skills they have to work on for all the different levels in all the sports. We also have logo shirts & caps available for purchase in our shop in the 4 level colours. Every child can wear a red logo shirt until they have completed the first level in all sports, then they can wear the yellow shirt and so on. (not compulsory to buy but nice to see what level they all are)
Hopefully Skillsey will see you soon.
Skillsey is now able to give your child the best sports birthday party ever. To find out more click the Kids Parties tab at the top.


In following this program you will learn all the skills needed to become a true little golfer, and we will help you as much as possible.
We have linked five different golf skills to how long your golf course will play, (see below) the better your skills the longer the course becomes, it’s that simple.
You can take tests to move up to the next level, play in team competitions and most of all have lots of FUN.
The different skill levels for golf are –
Red Tees – Under 35 skill points
Yellow Tees – Between 36 – 51 skill points
White Tees – Between 52 – 69 skill points
Blue Tees – Over 70 points
Red Tees – which means you will only play 25% of the yardage on each hole, e.g. if the first hole is 100 yards you will start from 25 yards away from the green.
Yellow Tees – only 50% of yardage
White Tees – only 75% of yardage
Blue Tees – full yardage


A putt is the shot when you are on the green and are trying to putt the ball into the hole. This stays on the ground the whole time and requires great accuracy and a good judge of how hard to hit the ball. You will learn how to do both of these and will be tested on your putting as follows.


6 three foot putts where
everyone holed earns 2 point.
6 putts from different distances 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30 feet towards two circles, outer circle 1 point, inner 2 points.
Total 24 points


When you are close to the green and need a small shot to get the ball onto the green, we call this a chip. A chip usually stays quite low to the ground and lands on the green and runs up to the hole. The two disciplines that you will learn and need to improve, are where you land the ball (landing zone) and where your chip shot ends up on the green.


6 chips to different landing zones,
every zone hit 2 points.
6 chips to a circle on the green, hit green 1 point, in circle 2 points.
Total 24 points


On a golf course you will find areas where there is some sand and they are called bunkers. They are called a hazard and most golfers try to avoid them, however, if you find yourself in one you will need to know how to get the ball out successfully.


6 shots from a bunker,
2 points for getting the ball out and 4 if they hit the green.
Total 24 points.


A pitch shot is when you are slightly further away from the green than a chip. The ball will fly higher on this shot, as quite often you will be looking to carry
the ball over an obstacle.


8 shots one point for getting the ball airborne, 2 for hitting the green and 3 for in the circle.
Total 24 points


This is the first shot on most holes and very important that you hit a good one, as a good drive makes the hole easier. This shot is normally taken using a driver club, which is the biggest in the bag and hits it the furthest. A good tee shot requires accuracy along with distance.


8 drives which must carry a certain distance to score and must be within zones, outer zone 1 point,
next zone 2 points,
Down the middle 3 points.
Total 24 points


The skills that have been set here will teach the children all aspects of football, from a simple pass, to how to take a correct throwing, shooting and even making saves as a goal keeper. Having confidence on the ball is vital and we aim to encourage all children, regardless of ability to have this confidence.


  • Pass a ball in between two cones three times.
  • Receive a pass and have the ball under control three times.
  • Catch a ball three times as a goalie.


  • Pass a ball through two cones five times whilst moving.
  • Receive a pass whilst moving making sure it is under control.
  • Take five shots making the goalie save three times.
  • Chip a ball over an obstacle three times.
  • Make five saves as a goalie.
  • Make five goalie kicks clearing a certain distance.
  • Take three correct throwings.


  • Make five passes to a moving player.
  • Receive the ball five times and then take a shot.
  • Take five penalties and five free kicks, hitting the target seven times.
  • Get past a player three times.
  • Make five saves.
  • Make five catches from crosses.
  • Make three successful throwings.


After completing all the skill levels for tennis, you will have a good understanding of the main strokes/shots needed to play a successful game. Timing and racket control are the two main areas needed to work on to make you a successful tennis player.


  • Bounce a ball on the racket five times without dropping.
  • Make three pass strokes.
  • Hit the ball up three times.


  • Bounce a ball on the racket and then hit the ball over a net three times.
  • Make three passing shots from a moving ball against another player.
  • Make three back hand shots.
  • Serve the ball over the net and in, five times.
  • Hit three lob shots.


  • Make five successful over head serves.
  • Make five successful return of serves.
  • Make five successful lob shots.
  • Make five successful smashes.
  • Show ability to hit other strokes.
  • Play two full games.


Learning the skills for cricket will give your child a good understanding of batting bowling and fielding which are very different. Confidence with both the bat and the ball is what we hope to give every child as well as good awareness which is needed for great fielding.


  • Catch a ball three times.
  • Throw the ball for someone else to catch three times.
  • Make contact with the bat onto a moving ball.


  • Catch a ball five times from a bat.
  • Collect the ball on the move and throw towards the stumps three times.
  • Make six bowls towards the stumps.
  • Make a safety shot.
  • Make a forward shot.
  • Make a shot and a single run.
  • Catch a ball as a wicket keeper.


  • Make 5 catches at speed and angles.
  • Collect the ball on the move and throw towards the stumps, hitting them at least once.
  • Take six bowls making sure that the batsman has to play at least 4 of them.
  • Bat for one over not getting out.
  • Bat for one over scoring at least 2 runs.
  • Play wicket keeper for one over.
  • Show ability to play various strokes.


To get children to a level where they can play a game with some friends and understand the rules. Ability to really play as part of a team is what will be key here, as well as developing the necessary skills to serve a ball, save a point, set up a smash, smash and to be vocal with team players.


  • Hit the ball up in the air three times with your right hand before it bounces.
  • Hit the ball up in the air three times with your left hand before it bounces.
  • Hit the ball up in the air three times with your hands together before it bounces.


  • Hit the ball up in the air ten times with your right hand before it bounces.
  • Hit the ball up in the air ten times with your left hand before it bounces.
  • Hit the ball up in the air ten times with both hands before it bounces.
  • Make ten passes to someone without letting the ball bounce.
  • Make five over head serves.


  • Make ten passes to someone by just using your right hand.
  • Make ten passes to someone by just using your left hand.
  • Make ten passes to someone by using both hands.
  • Take ten serves and seven must land in.
  • Show ability to set up a smash for someone.
  • Show ability to make a smash.


To reach a standard where children have the understanding and ability to pass the ball, kick the ball from still, drop kick the ball, throw in for a line out, tackle, score a try and scrum.


  • Catch the ball three times.
  • Pass the ball three times.
  • Make three touch tackles.
  • Catch the ball three times and run over for a try.


  • Catch the ball three times whilst running from a distance of 5 yards.
  • Make three correct passes whilst running.
  • Make three proper tackles.
  • Catch the ball three times, run past a player and dive over the try line.
  • Kick the ball over a bar three times.


  • Catch the ball three times and run past a player.
  • Make three passes missing opposing players.
  • Make one dummy pass and run past another player.
  • Make three tackles at speed.
  • Take three kicks over a bar from different angles/yardages.
  • Collect from a pass and make three drop kicks whilst moving.
  • Catch the ball from three line ups.